aims to bring insights to all its visitors regarding statistics, trends, and other market information about the second hand car trading industry. These insights should help our visitors to make an informed decision about their car trading decision or even just to satisfy their curiosity. is particularly focused on the Philippines mainly because the founder of this website is from the Philippines as well. We saw the great value of an online car appraisal tool but we think that a car appraisal tool is much more effective if it is focused on a particular area or country. We started in the Philippines but we have the vision to expand to different countries that needs the same online car appraisal tool.
The information from this website came from different sources such as car dealership, online information, and personal accounts. This resulted in our database which contains tens of thousands of information about the cars being traded in the market. To deliver this information well, we used statistics and machine learning methodology to derive actionable insights for our visitors.
Particularly, we used linear regression to derive the fair price based on the data. For each query, we filter all the data and compute only for the cars that our current user is interested in. For the maximum and minimum price, we use the root mean square error of the selected data. Then we add and subtract that to the fair price to get the maximum and minimum predicted price.
Our main value to the market is our Online Car Value Calculator but from our existing database, more insights can be derived. Most of our data-driven stories are derived from these data. One example of this is the car devaluation rate for any particular car search query. We put all of these stories in our blog.
Like any human being, we rely heavily on our sight to process the world around us. In the same manner, we strive hard to convert numbers, tables, and equations into visuals that anyone can appreciate. We do not limit ourselves to our data. We believe that there are many valuable data and statistics in the market, especially in the government, that is just left there in table form. On our side, we take time to synthesize and create a visual representation of these data so that you will have an easier time digesting the information. was created because we have a problem. Our problem is our internal doubt in our ability to assess any second-hand car We believe that we are not the only one who has this problem. If you have the same problem, then you are in the right place. is the solution for you. is our brand which is fully run by Carsurvey Website Application Services.