For most of the 2nd hand cars that are on sale in the market, mileage is an important factor to determine the history of the car. Mileage is simply the number of kilometers this particular car has been driven throughout its lifetime. This can easily be viewed through your own Odometer inside your dashboard.
What we did for you is that we gather tens of thousands of car mileage information and plot it in our Mileage for 2nd hand car mileage graph. We group them according to the car age or the year the car was bought.
On the Y-axis, this indicates the mileage value and each grouping is in the X-axis which is the year that car was bought. Each car mileage value is plotted as light blue dots. If more then one light blue dots overlaps in value, they will become a darker shade of blue.
The next thing we did is to plot the best fit curve that represents the average car mileage. This best-fit curve is more than just getting the average of each group-year and connecting the dots. The best-fit average curve also considers the relationship of each group year. With this information, you should also get an insight into what will be your average mileage in the coming years and not just your current year.
That's good and fine but where are you in this graph? Let's move on to the next step.
Photo Credit to: sonconaz97
Mylene Caniza Jan. 6, 2021, 7:44 p.m.
I have a Ford Everest Trend model 2018.And I wanna sell it due to I’m living abroad and just parked in the garage.And due to this pandemic it is uncertain to go back home to Phillipines.How much would you suggest to sell my car?There is an offer of P700k.My concern is too low?Can you please give me an idea how would I let it go my car.Thanks.And your suggestion is much appreciated.